Sunday 3 April 2011

(Bolivian) Superstitions

I myself even though staying in bolivia for a year in 1998-1999 was not aware of the superstitions there.
Upon asking my parents though i found out there was a few but they are quite depressing. I should not be surprised though because these superstitions coming from the poorest country in south america, it makes sense that they look to something to blame for their bad luck.

1. Black Ants.

It is said that having black ants enter your house means that someone in your family will die.

2. Toad

It is said when you come near a toad and it enlarges its throat in and out its the toad blowing sickness onto you.

3. Fox

(I didn't even know there were foxes in bolivia!) though very rare. It said that is a fox passes infront of your car from left to right it is bad luck and the opposite way it is good luck... When i asked "what if your run it over?"..."impossible!" they replied.

4. Chicken

I was a bit sceptical about this one but my parents told me if a chicken crows like a rooster it's bad luck.

I actually found a youtube clip though!

5. Dog

If a dog digs up several holes around your property, it's a sign that someone in your household will die.

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